カリキュラム - 地域の大学連携による国際キャリア開発プログラム

ホーム カリキュラム カリキュラム


International Career Seminar

開催日程・場所 受講者 / プログラム概要 / レポート提出

  • 令和元年(2019)1012日~14日の2泊3日で予定されていたInternational Career Seminarは台風19号のため中止となりました。


日程:2019年10月12日(土)~10月14日(月・祝) 2泊3日

会場:コンセーレ (栃木県青年会館)  


※「コンセーレ (栃木県青年会館)」に集合して下さい。



定 員:60名(先着順)


既に行われた「International Career Seminar」「国際実務英語」「国際実務英語Ⅰ」「国際実務英語Ⅱ」を履修し単位を取得した宇都宮大学の学生は、今回履修しても単位が重複して付与されることはありません。


<1日目> 10月12日 土曜日

9:00~ 9:30  受付

9:30~ 9:45  開講式/オリエンテーション

9:50~12:00  全体講義/ワークショップ

12:00~12:50  昼食

13:00~13:20  趣旨説明/分科会発表のプレゼン方法説明

13:20~15:20  パネルトーク

15:50~17:50  分科会 参加者は分科会を一つ選択します。

18:30~20:00  交流会

<2日目> 10月13日 日曜日

7:30~ 8:20  朝食

8:30~12:00  分科会

12:00~12:50  昼食

13:00~15:30  分科会

15:30~17:30  分科会まとめ/中間発表準備

17:30~18:30  中間発表

18:30~19:30  夕食

19:30~21:30  発表準備(自由)

<3日目> 10月14日 月曜日

7:30~ 8:20  朝食

9:00~10:00  発表準備

10:00~12:20  全体発表

12:20~13:10  昼食

13:20~15:00  振り返り/意見交換/全体総括 等

15:00~15:15  閉講式

15:30~  バスで宇都宮大学・宇都宮駅に移動・解散(現地解散も可)


Critical Thinking and Reasons for Being: Finding Meaningful Work in A Global Age
講師:Barbara Morrison, Ph.D.
バーバラ モリソン 氏 (宇都宮大学国際学部 准教授)

In this group session we will be talking and thinking about "Ikigai" and the ways in which we can begin to bring a sense of meaning (raison d’etre: reason for being) into our work lives. Using critical thinking as a guide, we will work together to understand how to both discover and cultivate what is meaningful for each of us in order to pursue and to accomplish careers both domestic and abroad.

My career path has been varied to say the least and not without defeats. Very early in my career I understood that my best life lay in education and academia, but as I felt my family was unsupportive of that endeavour I turned to business - taking positions in real estate and head-hunting after having explored careers in law, government, retail, journalism, non-profit and the arts - before eventually finishing degrees in both Japanese and English literature.



分科会A:Give a Man Fish or Teach Him Fishing? ~ or there’s no fish because the river is polluted? ~
講師:Naomi Fukuda  福田 直美 氏
(公益社団法人セーブ・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパン 海外事業担当)

Whether in humanitarian or development context, an event looks different – depending on from where we look at and how we analyze. In this session, we cultivate various views of international cooperation and discuss what we need to do for the future through simulation of context analysis and project planning.

After experiencing media industry, Naomi has been involved in refugee issues in Middle East through the work with NGOs and UN agencies for over 10 years. She is a holder of MA degree in conflict study from University of Leeds and is currently pursuing social work study in Japan.

分科会B:Multidisciplinary Approach in Field Based Studies
講師:Tatsuhiro Ohkubo, Ph.D. 大久保 達弘 氏
(宇都宮大学 農学部 森林学科 教授)

The aim of this session is to discuss about building research concepts, necessary skills and its application in field based studies, especially in multidisciplinary approach solving complex issues on sustainable land use and natural resource management that are of common interest to participants of various backgrounds and disciplines.

His current research interest is on "Effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbance on pattern and process of regeneration resilience in Tropical Forests of South East Asia (Sarawak/Malaysia, Northern Thailand, South China) and Temperate Deciduous Forests in East Asia (Japan, Korea). He was a former director of Satoyama Science Center of Faculty of Agriculture, UU, and will be happy to discuss, with participants, mutual interests in the field studies especially in rural and mountain region in SE and E Asia.

分科会C:Living With Others Or Living Alone?
講師:Kazuhiko Yoshida, Ph.D.  吉田 一彦 氏 (宇都宮大学 国際学部 教授)

In the session we will be deconstructing the Japanese concept "kyôsei" and conducting with a lot of imagination a variety of case studies and simulations of living together with joy and happiness. Participants are strongly expected to work on a set of guided preliminary communication practices with friends in their mother tongue and in English.

Kazuhiko YOSHIDA, descendant of Emishi and Yamato from Rikuzen-Takata, is a learner/user and instructor/researcher of human languages. He lived in France as a student and in Pakistan and Thailand as a language teacher. After receiving a Ph.D. in linguistics, he has been teaching linguistics and multilingual communication at Utsunomiya University since 2003 and supporting volunteers overseas since 2007. Although he has visited over thirty countries and worked with people of a hundred of different nationalities, he is being amazed by the diversity of the world.

分科会D:Be Your Own Boss
講師:Madeleine Sakashita 坂下 マデリン 氏
(大東文化大学及び白鴎大学 非常勤講師, IELTS試験官)

In this session, you will hear about how I and my family members transformed our hobbies, interests, and skills into a livable wage and business. You too, by being your own boss and doing what you are passionate about, can find a great work-life balance.

Madeleine is from the USA and has lived in Japan for 35 years. She has worked in all levels of education from kindergarten through university in both public and private schools. She opened and ran her own conversation school for 12 years and is presently a university part-time lecturer and an IELTS examiner.

分科会E:Discovering Opportunity
講師:Jack Kwok ジャック クオック 氏 (グーグル合同会社 Google Cloud, 上級クラウド ソリューション マネージャー)

During the group work, you will learn how to discover opportunity around you and how to come up with an action plan to realize the opportunity with your ideas and creativity.

Jack Kwok is a Googler working on helping enterprises to adopt new technologies and innovations to transform their traditional work style to “Work the way you live,” by creating a working environment for empowering employees to become more creative and collaborative in order to gain the full power of their potential. He believes that technologies and innovations are important elements to improve human life and provide opportunities so that everyone can access and gain knowledge that was not so easy to access in the past.

分科会F:Making Meaningful Connections
講師:Andrew Reimann, Ph.D. アンドリュー ライマン 氏 (青山学院大学 文学部英文学科 准教授)

Globalization, interconnectivity and access to information have created both challenges and opportunities. Success requires being able to adapt, predict, improvise and pioneer new ideas while challenging old ones. In this seminar we will learn to communicate across differences and connect with others to create ideas that spread.

Andrew Reimann (PhD, Applied Linguistics) teaches and researches intercultural communication, comparative culture studies and media literacy. He is from Vancouver, Canada and currently lives near Tokyo, Japan. Growing up in a bilingual family (English and German) and in a multicultural country (Canada), I was interested in how people could connect and communicate across differences. Intercultural communication uses language, observation and experimentation to unlock, explore and understand hidden differences for mutual benefit and exchange. I am looking forward to making new connections.



40% participation and presentation 60% report and submission of text.

The details will be updated later.